Why Millennials are the most Sleep Deprived age group?

According to the National Sleep Foundations, adults also need 7-9 hours of sleep per night for optimal health. But, before understanding all of this, let’s know who exactly are millennials? Millennials are the people who are born between 1981 and 1996, with that they are also a mix of optimism and realism. You as a millennial come in the generation who first experienced the internet and all your values are molded by the rapid changes you’ve experienced through global events. That’s why millennials are the people that value experience, diversity and authenticity.

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As mentioned above sleep is a very important part in the life of the millennials yet most of you struggle from it. The reasons behind it are numerous. Some of you have to balance a lot of responsibilities because of which you compromise your sleep schedule. And, with this blog we will understand all the reasons which will answer your question: why are millennials the most deprived age group?

4 Reasons that are Responsible for Sleep Deprivation in millennials

Given below we have talked about four factors which directly contributes to the problem of sleep deprivations in millennials like you:

1. Impact of Technology  

Did you know that millennials are known as the ‘always-on’ generation because of them being constantly connected to their devices for different reasons like:

  • Work
  • Social Interaction
  • Entertainment

But connecting this much to your devices can come at a cost because the blue light emitted by your screens interferes with hormones in your body and disturbs your sleep cycles which eventually causes the problem of you falling asleep, disrupted sleep patterns and sleep deprivation. 

2. Irregular Work Schedules

With the demand of modern work environments you are always told to be available around the clock which leads to inconsistent sleep patterns and then eventually causes sleep deprivation. When all of this happens it just not affects you physically but also leaves a mental impact by decreasing your productivity and lower quality of life. Through irregular sleep schedules getting sleep deprivation is a serious concern. 

After sleeping less you get a lot of health issues such as weakened immunity, weight gain and increased chances of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart issues. As a millennial you are in that part of your life where sleeping less can leave long-term issues. So, all we want to say is maintain a healthy work-life balance and regular sleep schedules so that you can maintain your overall health.

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3. Stress and Mental Health Issues

The biggest reason for you being sleep deprived is different types of stress and mental issues. You would agree with us when we say that because of new trends coming everyday you are always pressured to be constantly available on social media and this pressure starts making your personal and work life the same, which eventually affects your sleep. The pattern of less sleep can cause stress and can have different effect on you such as:

  • Increased stress levels
  • Existing mental becoming worse
  • Development of new issues

 Mental issues, on the other hand, also result in sleep deprivation and have different levels from mood disorders such as depression and anxiety to more dangerous conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. If you suffer from these problems then there is a chance that it would affect you at your work, would give you difficulty in maintaining relationships and enjoying a good life. And, all we can recommend is that you should understand the importance of sleep and take effective steps through which you can promote and maintain it.

4. Social and Economic Pressures

Social pressures are known for causing sleep deprivation in millennials like you because of the constant need to stay connected through social media and also because of the pressure to excel in all areas of life. When you sleep less it also leads to certain health related issues like anxiety, depression and weakened immune system that affect your social interactions and relationships.

And, when we talk about economic pressures we mean that millennials are the generation whose second name is “burnout generation” who work for longer hours and do multiple jobs in this unpredictable economy. When you are sleep deprived it leads to decreased productivity, increased workplace accidents and a significant economic toll. The long-term effect of sleep deprivation also leads to increased healthcare costs. 


We hope that you have understood the reason behind millennials being the most sleep deprived age group and if you want to save yourself from this problem all you have to do is make a proper sleep schedule in which you create a quiet atmosphere for yourself to sleep and with that also work at your office hours so that you can maintain work-life balance and then it would automatically solve the issue of sleep deprivation. 

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